Posted by tom on Dec 9, 2007
About the chrome work on the Hooper
Onto the chromework on my Hooper Consul Capri… The actual condition of the chrome wasn’t too bad really, well, certainly much better than the rest of the car anyway! The Hooper had all the same chrome as the standard Consul Capri with the exception of the five star bar on the front grill and the chrome trim around the rear didn’t had the aluminium panel within it. Instead of the five star bar on the front grill there was a straight chrome bar. However, when I got my Hooper, the original Hooper grill bar had been replaced with a standard five star bar. This didn’t actually bother me at the time because I thought the five stars looked rather good and appeared to float in the middle of the grill. My Hooper had some extra chrome trim, I’m not sure if they were optional extras for the Consul Capri or extras from Hoopers or somewhere else as I’ve never seen any like it before or since. These included a chrome trim that runs around the front edge of the bonnet. If you look closely at the pictures, you can see it. I’m sure this wasn’t a one off trim as it has been made in a cast and comprises three peices that fit together in the corners. And my favourite of all is the chrome tips that fit over the rear wings. You can see them in the rear shots of the capri. These may well have been one off pieces as they have been made from flat pieces of metal and moulded into the rear wing shape. The workmanship on these tips is great as they really do fit perfectly. Again, I’ve never seem another Capri with these fitted nor any other Hoopers although I’ve only ever seem a few Hoopers myself. Another one was an additional five star strip on the rear panel. The five starts were fitted diagonally onto a piece of metal that was screwed to the rear panel where the aluminium panel would have been on the standard Consul Capri. Again, I have no idea as to the origins of this extra but it certainly did look good. It can’t be seem in any of the pictures as I never refitted it after the restoration work and I’m not sure why that was(I have...
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