Pictures coming soon

Pictures coming soon

I’ll get round to adding some pictures soon. They’ll be following the story of the car so the first pictures will be when I first took delivery of the Capri with further pictures being added as the story unfolds.

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The bodywork (or lack of it)

The bodywork (or lack of it)

And onto the bodywork… I’m not sure where to start really. At first glance the Hoopers bodywork looked OK, just a bit dull really. The lower I looked however, the worse the bodywork got until I got down on my knees and bravely looked underneath(gulp). There was very little of the original Ford chassis left to talk about. The floor pan looked reasonably OK on the other hand – as if it mattered. All the usual areas on...

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How do you start fixing a car like this?

How do you start fixing a car like this?

So I finally owner the Hooper Capri but what do I do with it and how can I get it working again? The first thing I did was get in and fiddle around with everything I could find. Well that didn’t last long as although there were plenty of buttons and dials, none of them actually did anything, despite connecting a brand new battery! So what had I actually bought, apart from a good looking wreck? I’ll start with the...

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